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Angels Among Us?

Jordan Harold
3 min readJul 27, 2020


What is your idea of an angel? Can you tell me what one looks like? Have you ever seen or encountered one? Most people envision a glowing being resembling a man or woman with big beautiful wings of divine creation and a golden crown hovering over their head we call a Halo. But what if this image is false? How can we truly know what an angel looks like? I’m not sure if we do, maybe we can only imagine. Or maybe not. Maybe we have seen them. Maybe they walk among us……Its just a thought, but isn’t it possible? I mean..Why wouldn’t it be?

Has a stranger ever came along and gave you words of encouragement in your time of need? Has anyone ever said the right thing at the right time? Has someone ever helped you for no reason when you needed it the most? Are there people around you that do whatever they can to help you succeed because they genuinely want to see you win?

I know personally I've had all of these things happen to me.I can honestly say I've been blessed to have met the people I’ve met and gone to the places I've been. Because of those two things a lot of my experience has been amazing. People have come in to my life and helped me at the times I needed it the most. People have aided me or gave generously to me in different was for no reason at all. Its happened through words, time, a helping hand, and monetary need. And There are people in my life that continue to do things for me consistently. Whether it be our friends, family, clients, a romantic partner, etc. It seems to be angels all around us. And they show proof of who they are in the most subtle , divine way. It could have been a connection they made between you and another person place or thing that propelled you forward or helps you elevate. It could even be as simple as someone making a kind gesture, offering you something, or that moment receive a random compliment about something you were insecure about.

Just think about times things just happened for you in a blink of an eye because certain people show cause and purpose in your life and relationships. To see and appreciate those people, in my opinion, is to see and appreciate the angels around us. We all have the light of the Divine inside of us. We all have the capacity to do the work of the Angelic realms. Every once in a while, I feel like we decide to put on our wings and show proof of who we really are. As you grow and see people in this way. You will see the light coming from the depths of their of being. More importantly you will feel it, you will feel love, and you will feel an amazing amount of gratitude and joy. You will see them fully as they are…..Royalty.

People come into your life for a reason, a season, and a life time. We all have a purpose in each others life. If you ask me, everything ins’t always what it seems.

So again, I ask you.

Have you ever seen and angel?

